Caleb, Bethany, Dave Venus, Rachel Venus, brother, Rob and his wife Beth.
The following pictures are from the reception in Utah. It has been a wonderful time. I also have to mention that we were a very stressed out family at this time also. Rachel had been on crutches for over a month and her ankle was not getting better. Because of this, she could not drive, so between Caleb, Alisa and I, we were getting her to and from classes and to the other places she needed to be. I also started substitute teaching full time for a teacher on maternity leave. Now that all of this is over, I have time to update the blog and let you all see what we have done the last two months!

At the reception, they wanted a theme with stars. In the middle of the night, the idea came to me to find some shiny stars to tie to the end of balloons filled with helium. I was thinking that I would need about 300 or more balloons, but the lights in the cultural hall had a dimmer and when the lights were off, the effect was perfect. Alisa was taking pictures and she didn't get one with the lights dimmed that showed off how well it came off. So just imagine in the picture that the lights are dim and all you can really see is the shimmering stars hanging above you.

Zina, David, Bethany, Caleb, Grandmother, Kay Cox and Grandfather, Nyle Cox.

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