Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 107 – Fast Paced Day

Day 107 – Fast Paced Day

David and I both had our classes today.  It all went well.  I have been taking pictures of my classes and afterward they all want to take a picture with me.  It all takes time.  One boy wanted me to help him do a video for his girlfriend’s birthday, and he had to wait until almost everyone in the class was gone before he could do it.  I just wished her a happy birthday and said what a sweet thing it was that he was doing for her. 

We had a fast lunch and at 1:30, three students from the “English Broadcasting Station” came over to do an interview with us.  One of the students is from my Friday 10 a.m. class.  She was so happy to be here!  They talked with us and asked questions and then took pictures for about 40 minutes.  We had to end it earlier than they wanted it to end because we had made arrangements to meet my friend, Jin Li (Lily).  She was going to show us where a baking store was that is a little closer to us than the other one we went to with Clarke’s a few weeks ago. 

We rode the bus that came within 5 minutes of us getting to the stop, a bit of a miracle since we have waited 15 minutes or more sometimes for that bus.  We walked as fast as we could to meet Lily and then had to walk a bit more to the bakery store.  It turned out to be part of the chain store that we had gone to with Clarke’s so we were able to use our preferred customer card that we had gotten that time.  Then Lily had to take us to a second hand clothes store where she had picked out some clothes that she thought we would like and that were our size.  Not that we were looking for anything, but she was so excited about it.  We looked through the clothes and then bought a couple of shirts and a pair of pants. 

David had to get home right away because he was going to do square dancing with his students at 4 and I needed to get groceries, so he hurried home and I went to Carrefour to get the groceries.  It was kind of nice to be able to just shop and look at things instead of the hurry, hurry, hurry kind of shopping that David prefers.  I did buy a little too much and the bags were on the heavy side, but I made it home okay.  Upon arriving at the door, I realized that I hadn’t gotten my keys out of my school bag and put in my purse before I left, so I didn’t have a way to get in.  I was sure that David would be home any minute, so I sat at the window to wait. 

I decided to check my phone while I was waiting.  It has a bad habit of just randomly shutting off anytime it wants, so I have to keep checking to see if it is on.  Well, it was off, again.  I had just gotten it turned all the way on when David called.  Jane had been to observe the square dancing with a couple of students from the English Broadcasting Station that she is in charge of, and invited us to dinner.  I told him my sad tale of not having my keys, so he hurried home, let me in the door and we hurried off to the canteen for dinner.

The two students who had gone to take pictures and observe the square dancing were eating dinner with us.  They were shy, as most students are around English speakers, but we had a nice dinner and tried to bring them out in the conversation more.  We tried a few new dishes from the Teacher Restaurant and they were good, except a little strong on the raw onions.  I figured it was good for keeping a cold away… I hope.

It has been a busy, running day from morning to night, so now I say, “Good Night!”

1 comment:

David Milo Pearson said...

re: "It was kind of nice to be able to just shop and look at things instead of the hurry, hurry, hurry kind of shopping that David prefers. I did buy a little too much..."

You said in a recent previous blog post that David doesn't like to spend money.

And, if you mean by "rush, rush, rush" to just go and buy the items you initially intended to purchase, and pay for them and leave; I would say that this is the difference to a large extent between myself and Linnea, especially when at either a grocery store or the clothing section of department stores.

Generally, I've found, the longer one takes to shop, the more one spends. You even admitted to buying at least "a little too much".

Of course, in many instances, when I take more time to "shop", I often buy little or even nothing. That is because I am often considering whether the price for items is higher than I want and/or can really afford to spend. Also, I take more time to shop when I'm seeing what products and product offerings there are. This often is more in buying tools and related merchandise.

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