Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 188 – Editing Scholarly Papers… snooze…

It was nice to sleep in a little this morning.  We had a nice breakfast and then headed to the grocery store.  After that, we both had to get started on the papers we were asked to edit.

David’s was a really hard one.  We had to look up quite a few words to understand the meaning of them.  The author has her doctorate and wants to have her paper published.  Mine was a little easier: just a Masters student writing her thesis.  We both worked most of the afternoon on it, stopping for some lunch and then back at it. 

I finished work on mine about five and so we decided to get out of the apartment, but weren’t quite sure where to go or what to do.  In the end, we went to KFC for a quick supper and walked over to the street market to buy some vegetables and fruits.  We didn’t get them at the grocery store this morning because the street markets have a little fresher selection.

While we were at KFC eating dinner, David noticed a spot on my temple that was round.  I hadn't seen it, but I could feel it and I was afraid it was ringworm.  When David confirmed that he could see it, I knew it was.  After we finished eating, we went to the pharmacy where I had gotten the stuff for my pink eye and I showed it to them.  They sold me a cream that I needed to put on twice a day.  I hope it works.

The walk was refreshing, so when we got back, David was able to finish the editing on his paper.  Then it was time for Facebook and the rest of the emails.

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