Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 268 – Dinner with the Gang

My classes went well today.  David did chores around the house.  We had lunch here and then I took a nap while David made a quick trip to the grocery store.  I had a lot of work to do on the computer to be ready for next week and the weeks after that.  We are getting so close to the end of the semester and I want to be ready.

We met the other BYU teachers at our canteen for dinner.  We also invited Lily, Eva and Kathy, Simon and Hansen.  The Pace's, Clarke's and us all need to use up our credits for meals from the university, so we rented a room and used up a lot of them, well, a lot of the Pace’s and Clarke’s.  We still have a lot.  It was a nice dinner and everyone had their fill to eat.  We took photos and then we had a nice walk home.

Our dinner group.  From the left, David, Libby Clarke, Nancy Pace, Wayne Clarke, Wendy Purnell, Jim Purnell, Simon, Hansen, Stan Pace, Kathy, Lily and Eva.  It was a fun evening.

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