Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 51 - Chinese Students Square Dancing

On Fridays, David and I both teach starting at 8 a.m. and end at noon.  Classes went well for both of us.  I had several students after my first class that needed help with something that took longer than a few minutes and then I have to travel to a different building and walk up to the fourth floor (few of the building has elevators if they are less than six floors (good exercise, right?), so I was late for my second class.  I guess my students were getting worried because when I did walk in the door about 3 minutes late, they all clapped.  I think they like to clap.  Everything went well though for both of us.

Because we ate out so much yesterday, we just had lunch at the apartment today and then we got dressed up in our nice clothes and got pictures taken for Alisa’s wedding reception.  We were walking around to several places that we thought would make a nice back ground and then we would ask some of the students walking by if they would take our picture.  We wanted it to be mostly a closer up of us and trying to explain that to those with limited English was rather tricky.  We got some good ones and then one of David’s students, who was coming over for an enrichment class, came a little earlier and we were able to explain to him what we wanted.  Having better English skills made it go faster. 

So David had nine of his students show up for the square dancing enrichment that he was doing today, and they went down in front of the apartment building and after he taught them how, they did some square dancing.  Looked like they were having fun to me!

After supper, again at our apartment, we were trying to work and stay warm (they won’t turn the heat on here until mid-November, no matter how cold it gets) and finally decided that we needed to go for a walk to get warmed up.  We bundled up and got out of the building and discovered that it was warmer outside than in our building.  So we went over to the closest McDonald’s and bought ice cream cones (I know, being cold and the going for ice cream just doesn’t make sense) and then walked around a bit.  We love to go by the fountains on the south end of the campus because that is where the parents and grandparents go with their smaller children to let them play before going home to bed.  It is so fun to watch them play there.  Now we are back in our cold apartment trying to finish up some work before we go to bed.  And here I am blogging…

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