Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 131 – Sunday Food Rescue

Our morning went pretty usual except we were able to video chat with Caleb and family.  Church was good and the potluck after was also fun.

We arrived home about 3:30 and I made a batch of cookies to take to a party that some of David’s students had planned for this evening.  One of the boys came and picked us up about 6:20 and walked with us to the building they were in.  It was really close to our apartment because they are all biology majors and have access to that building.  We showed them our pictures from Harbin and also the Christmas power point that they had missed in his class.  Then we taught them how to play two games; Uno and Skip-bo.  I taught the Skip-bo and they seemed to enjoy it.  They caught on to some of the strategies in it and when one girl had a run of about seven cards placed in a row, she won on the next round.  David taught the Uno game. 

We had to leave the party about 8:15, because Stan and Nancy Pace’s refrigerator had stopped working today and they were going to lose all the food from their freezer if we didn’t go get it.  The university is not willing to replace it if they don’t have to, but it has been leaking fluid ever since they got there and they already tried to repair it once.  I’m not sure how long it takes to get one replaced, but we are still waiting for them to get us a new water dispenser and it has been over a week for that.  We had plenty of room in our freezer, so we will store it here until they can get a new frig.  We walked over and then walked back so we are tired and ready for bed now.

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