Sunday, October 22, 2017

Reader's Theater Pt. 2, Dr Tricia, A Visit from Former Students

We had the rest of the Reader's Theaters performed this week.  I decided to record some of them and after seeing this one, I knew it needed to be posted to my blog!  Probably one of the best ones all week.  I love how innovative the students get in preparing props and using what they have to make it better AND add a Chinese twist to it.  The criteria for grading was on individual performance, enunciation, pronunciation and emotion.  The main actor in this one got a near perfect score. 

We went to see Dr. Tricia on Wednesday.  Mostly just to talk, but she is worried about David, thinks he is pale and has lost weight (not sure that he has, but whatever...).  She would like him to try some traditional Chinese medicine to help build him up.  She will set up an appointment sometime in the next two weeks.  I also told her about the problem with my wrist and thinks I should see the orthopedic specialist here to see if there is something that can be done to avoid the surgery that my US doctor says is necessary to be rid of the pain.  We'll see what they have to say.  It would be nice to not have the surgery if it can be avoided. 

Some of my former students from four years ago wanted to come for a visit, so they came on Saturday and had lunch with us.  I made some BBQ chicken and some cookies. They brought fruit.  Six of them came.  They would have brought more students with them, but I told them how small our apartment was and so it was just those six.  It was so good to see them!  They have matured a little, but in some ways, they still retain that innocence that was so endearing when I had them the first year.  They are now in their fourth year of medical school and they will start working on their residencies in another  year or two.  They don't let them choose a specialty for another three or four years. 
From left to right, Li Ai, me, Penny, Lydia, Matthew, Ted and Jack.
They all struggled to remember their English because they don't use it that much.  Ted was probably the best of them because he spent three months this summer in Toronto, Canada receiving special training at a hospital there.  Of course, we all had to exchange WeChat ID's to stay in touch.  We will probably do this again in a few weeks.  Such promising young people!

On our way to Church today, we saw the bus we needed to catch coming down the street and so we decided to try and catch it.  When you haven't run in a few years, your muscles don't like to be pushed and so I strained a muscle in the back of my thigh.  It is painful to walk.  Did some stretches when we got home and it feels a little better now.  Won't be running again for a while. 

Yes, we caught the bus!  Here's how that happened.  We saw the bus and thought in dismay that we were just going to miss it, when all of a sudden, the bus that was coming from the opposite direction stopped for us as we waited at the crosswalk!  That RARELY happens here in China!  Pedestrians are low man on the totem pole.  The bus we needed was coming from the other directions, so we took the opportunity to cross and the bus we needed had to slam on his brakes (he was still a safe way down the street, but he was going at a pretty good clip).  After we crossed, we started running.  The  bus makes it to the pick-up spot.  People are getting on the bus.  More people are getting on the bus.  We are getting closer, still jogging.  David is closer and just as the last person is getting on the bus and the driver is closing the doors, he notices David in the side view mirror and opens the door back up.  I am still coming (in pain) and we were able to make that bus and get to where Church was on time!  Small blessings we are grateful for!

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