Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 43 - First Haircut in China

Day 43

David had classes this morning, but I took the time to do laundry, get copies made and worked on the blog.  Got 4 days posted with pictures!  After class, he brought two young men home with him that had heard about his class and wanted to be a part of it.  They have promised to help us get some furniture for this place (decent computer chairs and a TV stand).  The one guy knows the right place to go. 

After lunch, we went to find a place to get our hair cut.  They all looked pretty much the same and we had no one who really knew us, so we just picked one of the 5 places that were on Shanda Lu (Lu means road in Chinese).  They did an okay job, but I think we will pick one of the other shops next time.  They are used to a much younger cliental. 

We decided to eat dinner at the canteen tonight.  We were able to get there before the onslaught of 25.000 students, so we easily found a place and it was quiet.  When we were almost done eating, one of my students came up to me and wanted to talk.  She said how she thought that David and I had such a wonderful love story and that she could see how much we loved each other.  She also said we had a beautiful family.  I thanked her for being so kind to come to speak to us.  We just worked on school work tonight.

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