Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 68 - No Water and New Foods

Day 68

We woke up to no water pressure this morning.  David wasn’t able to take a shower so he just had breakfast and went off to class.  I had planned on doing laundry, but the water did not come back on until about 5 p.m.  Something about a water main break.  I did get some good lesson planning done after I talked to Seth’s family and Rachel and Alisa and CJ. 

After lunch, David had one of his students go with him to a bike repairman that is usually stationed on the south side of campus.  We needed to get the wheel on the shopping cart fixed and also a new pedal in his bike.  The student was there to interpret for him to get those things done.  It only cost 3 RMB (.50!)  I made 11 more of the little loaves of banana bread for my classes tomorrow.  David had another square dance session with some students that he was very pleased with how far they were able to get. 

After dinner, Ann (the girl I’m tutoring) came over.  I had expected her this morning, but she didn’t come until this evening.  She brought all kinds of food!  It wouldn’t have been so bad if we hadn’t eaten, but we were already full and she wanted our reactions to the foods she had brought!  We had to eat it!  I ate as much as I could politely because she wanted to know if I liked it and it wouldn’t be good if we saved it until tomorrow, according to her.  After sampling a few other things, we got down to talking and going over the things she needs to work on for her test. 

One of the things she brought over were hawthorn fruit.  We see them sold on the street all the time and once when we were going somewhere with the Clarke’s Wayne bought one and we all shared it.  I thought it was great, David was ok with it.  Usually they are all placed on a stick, covered with a glaze.  Ann also brought over some that were coated with a sweet substance, some kind of sugar coating, but weren’t glazed like the ones on a stick.  Except for the large pits (and there seems to be about 5 of them in each hawthorn fruit) it is a fun, tasty treat.  

Glazed hawthorn fruit.  The wrapper on it is rice paper and you eat it along with the rest.  The rice paper just melts in your mouth and doesn't have any real flavor to it.  Helps keep it clean before you eat it.

The sugared hawthorn fruit.  You can see two of the pits in the part hat I bit off.

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