Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 289 – Faculty Meeting

Finals with my freshman classes today were pretty hard.  Several tears were shed, and I got way behind time, so I ran over with both classes.  When I finally finished the second class, a whole half hour after the class was supposed to be over, Nerzahl, one of my favorites in that class, invited me to lunch.  I called David and he took us to KFC.  It was a nice visit with him.  Nerzahl is one that I will miss for his eager mind and thirst for learning.  His friend, Clip, came along also.

David had faculty meeting with the teachers and faculty from the graduate department.  There were several Chinese English teachers there along with the Americans.  David found out later that they had videoed the meeting and didn’t tell any of the teachers, at least the Americans. 

We went for dinner in the teacher restaurant tonight and then had a nice walk back home.  

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