Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 204 – Tired Monday

I left 10 minutes earlier today in hopes that I would be able to be at my class at least on time today.  I made it with 15 minutes to spare.  It gave me plenty of time to get everything set up and ready to go.  I guess that is what I need to do every Monday so that I can be there on time.  Classes went well.  As I was packing up to go to the second class that is in a different building, Gwendolee, who was at Church with us yesterday, came in.  He was a little surprised to see me, but we talked for a little bit.  He’s a nice kid.

I caught the bus home and David came to meet me.  We almost missed each other.  I had gone into the little market that is close by that bus stop and he passed by on his bike shortly after.  As I started walking home, I decided I better check and see if he had texted me, and sure enough, he had.  I had to retrace my steps for a little bit because he was there at the bus stop. 

We had a quick lunch and I took a nap because I was about dead on my feet.  It is pretty stressful to me to have to worry about catching the bus and getting to that class when it is so far away.  Then I am four hours on my feet (there is no place to sit down in the classroom for teachers) and then the long bus ride home that I can’t nap on there. 

We worked on stuff for our classes this afternoon.  David had his first game day with his students and quite a few came.  Even some from last semester were there.  They had fun.

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